By: Cecilia Bennett

You may be asking yourself, should I run paid advertisements when I already rank well organically? This is a common questions businesses ask. Switching from solely organic advertising to paid advertising is a huge decision. However, no matter how well you rank organically, paid advertising still offers a wide variety of benefits that organic advertising simply cannot offer your business. 

Expand Your Online Presence 

There are three different types of listings on search engines. They are paid, organic, and local listings. If you are only using organic listings, you are missing out on a big majority of customers. In order to get the most out of your search rankings, it is key to take advantage of all three listings. This will maximize your online presence and give your business a better chance to convert leads. Also, the more times people see your brand, the more brand awareness you are receiving. 

Reach More Customers

Even if you rank on the first page of your targeted keywords, your competitors could still appear above you in the search results stealing prospective customers away from you. When you use paid advertisements, they rank above all the organic listings. Since users typically never click past the first page of search results, it is important to be able to show up within the first couple spots. Luckily, when you invest in paid advertising, your business’ paid ads will show up at the very top of the page, prime real estate. 

Nowadays, most people use smartphones to browse the Internet over their desktops or laptops because of the convenience and accessibility. When people use their smartphones, the mobile paid advertising listings basically take up the whole phone screen, even the bigger smartphones. This essentially “forces” people to see your brand’s paid ads before they even scroll down the page. 

Immediate & Consistent Website Traffic

Paid advertising is great for new websites, since their domain has no real authority on search engines, it can be very hard to rank organically. Especially when the market or industry is heavily saturated with businesses with older websites and more domain authority. With paid advertising new websites will still have an opportunity to show up on the first page for their search results that they cannot achieve with using only organic advertising. This is a great opportunity to get their brand out their, and receive more brand awareness from potential customers.

Having consistent website traffic can be hard to come by. However, paid advertising helps increase those chances. When your ads show up on the top of the first page, people have no choice but to look at them. Every time someone clicks on your paid ads, it does cost you money, but luckily your business can set budgets to choose exactly how much you are willing to pay per click, day, or month. This helps keep the website traffic consistent, while not exceeding your paid advertising budget. 

Track Your Results

With paid advertising you will be able to look at how well your ads have been performing. Everything is tracked from which ads were clicked on, where your money was spent, which keywords were most successful, and much more. Being able to see this valuable information will help make the most out of your business’ paid advertising strategies and budget. 

Paid Advertising Experts

If you are thinking of diving into paid advertising, look no further than Blue Ridge Media Company in Cleveland, Ohio. Our team is experienced and Google Partner certified for all your paid advertising needs. We are here to help you get real advertising results. Check out our paid advertising services, and contact us today on our website or call us at (888)-535-2762 today!