Attribution tracking is a way of digitally recording the journey of a customer or audience you might be advertising to. This tool takes note of each “touch point” of the website or each thing clicked on by a customer and gives you great information about your content marketing. From searching a term on Google all the way to clicking “checkout,” attribution tracking records it all and will give you better insights to which specific ad or message caught the most attention. So here’s a little more information on things you need to know about attribution tracking.


The purpose of this tool is to help keep track of which channels, messages, or advertisements had the biggest impact on a customer’s journey that led to a successful conversion or purchase. Growing your business will include advertising with different types of marketing campaigns. Attribution tracking allows a business or employer to look back at the digital route a customer or client took. This will show how someone arrived at a specific webpage and what they clicked on before and after. This might show that certain advertising or marketing campaigns had higher conversion rates on search engines than social media, for example. Analyzing your attribution tracking will give you insights into which messages were successes and which were failures. 

Touch Points

Touch points are how a software keeps track of attribution and creates a digital map that the software can analyze. Depending on which method of attribution tracking you choose, the software will focus on specific touch points to provide different types of information. This could be keeping track of how many people come to your website through a search engine or backlink, or which advertising message more customers clicked on, and more. 

Single-touch and multitouch 

The two main types of attribution tracking are single-touch and multitouch. With the single-touch method, the software focuses on just one point to analyze the effectiveness and conversion rates of that single point. multitouch keeps track of multiple touch points, dividing the focus of the software, or weight, between several touch points. This may be more useful when analyzing or comparing the effectiveness of more than one ad or marketing campaign. 

Different types

There are several different types of single-touch and multitouch methods for software to record attribution tracking. 

Single Point:

  • Last Interaction — all of the credit of the conversion or purchase goes to the last touch point before conversion.
  • Standard — all of the credit of the conversion goes to the last touch point that didn’t directly lead to a conversion or purchase.
  • First Interaction — all of the credit goes to the very first touch point.


  • Linear — credit is divided evenly across all touch points
  • Time Decay — most of the credit goes to the final touch point, and less and less credit attributed to previous touch points as you go back in time in the customer’s digital journey
  • Position Based:
    • 40% credit to first touch point
    • 40% credit to last touch point
    • 20% credit divided evenly between middle touch points


BRMComplete utilizes single-point and multipoint methods of attribution tracking, along with other advertising and marketing tools. BRMComplete makes it easy for you and your business to manage your online reputation by easily accessing clients, pipelines, marketing and more from one dashboard. Our application allows you to manage advertisements, SMS campaigns, local listing management, landing pages, websites, contact forms, email campaigns and even more from just one platform. Take advantage of our easy-to-use system and never miss a lead again! Visit our website or call (216) 233-3009!