The Facebook Pixel


Only following behind Youtube & Google, Facebook continues to be one of the top visited websites in the world. It is also one of the most prominent advertising platforms available, next to the top and world renowned Google Advertisements. If you or your company ever plans on using Facebook Ads, or is using them currently, a very crucial tool to use right away is the Facebook Pixel.

What is a Facebook Pixel?

A Facebook Pixel is a special code that is placed on your website. Each time a unique user comes to your page it collect data from that visitors actions. If they end up completing an action on your website, such as adding an item to a cart or purchasing, the Facebook pixel records this action.  This is so you are able to reach that customer again through Facebook.

How can I use the Facebook Pixel?

Because of the analytics that the Facebook Pixel is able to measure, it allows you to have detailed understanding and higher effectiveness of your Facebook advertisements. Once you have collected enough pixel data, you can target your ads to a well designed group of people, whether that be the same group in your data or a lookalike audience. It also allows you to unlock additional Facebook advertising tools. Imagine advertising to an audience of people that are similar to the group that already visited your website!

Why Should I Use One?

There is no reason not to have a Facebook Pixel on your website, even if you aren’t planning on doing Facebook advertising in the near future. By having the pixel installed you can collect data over time and retain that for any potential future advertising. Using the data collected from the Pixel tracking will redefine your Facebook advertising strategy with a well targeted audience. It will allow you to reach people who have visited a specific page, taken a specific action (such as completing a purchase), or reach a new range of customers that are similar to your frequent flyers.

You can also drive more drive sales by setting up automatic bidding. This will allow you to target people who are more likely to convert, as in, complete a sale.

The results of your ads are the most important aspect of a Facebook advertising campaign. You can view information such as conversions on your Facebook pixel page.

What do I need in order to create one?

In order to create a Facebook Pixel, you will need several items. First, you need a business website where potential customers are able to purchase a product or submit an action in order to lead to purchasing a product or completing a sale. You also must have access or have someone who has access to the backend code of your website in order to add the script to the header.

You will also need to create or have administrative access to a Facebook Business Manager account or have access to one. This is directly linked to your advertising account.

How do I create a Facebook Pixel?

If you would like a Facebook PIxel installed on your site, you can use Facebook’s detailed instructions or contact Blue Ridge Media Company for help with your Facebook Advertising.